
What is a veneer?

A veneer is a partial covering usually used on front teeth. It can be made by various materials including porcelain and composite resin.

Veneers can be used to improve the shape or colour of teeth that are broken down or significantly discoloured.

Your dentist can discuss with you whether a veneer would be a suitable treatment in your individual case.


What Happens When You Have Veneers?

Getting veneers requires careful planning to ensure long-term success and satisfaction with the appearance of your teeth. Your dentist will discuss the treatment options with you, ensuring you understand the procedure and answering any questions you may have.

An up-to-date X-ray of your teeth will be needed to check that the roots are healthy and the foundations are strong before starting any treatment.

First Appointment:

Your dentist will shape your tooth under local anesthesia to allow space for the veneer. Impressions or a 3D Scan of your teeth will be taken, and you’ll choose a shade to match your existing teeth. A temporary veneer will be provided if needed while your new veneer is made.

Second Appointment:

After about two weeks, the temporary veneer will be removed and the new one fitted. Your dentist will ensure a good fit and bond it in place. You’ll also receive care instructions for your veneers.

How long will my veneer last?

Veneers typically last 10-15 years.

There are a wide variety of factors that influence this, including:

  • The strength of the underlying tooth.
  • The health of the nerve within the tooth.
  • The position of the tooth within the mouth.
  • How much stress and strain a particular veneer is put under.
  • How well the veneer is looked after.

Before & After



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